For more than thirty years, the LEAD program has been a vital part of The Way Corps training. LEAD is an acronym that stands for Leadership, Education, Adventure, and Direction. This outdoor program is set in the heart of the Rocky Mountains in the Gunnison National Forest, near Gunnison, Colorado. The beauty and majesty of the mountains is a panoramic backdrop for the students as they grow in God’s Word. Learning is an exciting adventure, and LEAD provides unique outdoor adventures that help the students further learn how God’s Word applies to various life experiences.

Qualified instructors educate the students in specific outdoor skills like rock climbing, rappelling, hiking, camping, and utilizing a map and compass—all with an emphasis on how God’s Word can be applied to each of these activities. LEAD helps the students build God’s Word into their lives while they further develop an unalterable “I can do” attitude. Philippians 4:13 states, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Based on that truth, the students learn skills to be self-adequate, with Christ’s sufficiency, and experience how simply and abundantly life can be enjoyed. The LEAD experience builds confidence and trust in God and His Word and is a vital part of training men and women in The Way Corps to lead and serve as they declare—“I can do; therefore I do!”